We have a number of positions right away in beautiful Dundalk,Ireland.

Why not send us your details to  and  we can arrange to have you living and working in this picturesque city.If you are a German speaker and looking to move to Ireland  MGI Recruitment can make this lifestyle change happen for you.
Apply to jobs@mgirecruitment.com

Dundalk is a thriving county town with excellent shopping centers, a very fine museum; the only all weather racing track and stadium in Ireland for racehorses and greyhounds. It boasts a bowling alley and public swimming pool, cinemas, and street markets, and a multitude of fine bars and restaurants.

Visit the Boyne Valley and Newgrange, to tour the Carlingford and Mourne Region, or visit the Giants Causeway on a day trip

Dundalk is located within easy distance of Dublin and Belfast should you decide to explore further afield but you will be more than happy to spend plenty of free time experiencing local life and culture.